Questions to ask when you are prescribed a medication

When your doctor recommends a new prescription, there are certain questions you should ask.

General Information

  1. What is the brand name? Is there a generic equivalent that I can use as a substitute?

  2. Why are you prescribing this medication? (It is always good to understand exactly what medical condition you are being prescribed medication for, as it may be given to you for an off-label use.)

  3. How long will the medication take to work? Is there a typical time frame?

  4. For what period of time do I need to take this medication? (Limited or indefinitely.)

How to Take the Medication

  1. Is this medication to be taken on a specific schedule or only as needed?

  2. At what time of the day is best to take the medication? How long do I need to wait between doses?

  3. Do I take my medication between, after or before eating?

  4. Are there certain foods that I should avoid?

Other Considerations

  1. What are common side effects? Will they dissipate over time? Is there anything I can do to mitigate these adverse reactions?

  2. Will these medications interact with any other drugs I am currently taking?

  3. Are there any over the counter or herbal drugs which are contraindicated?

If you are confused when you receive directions, do not hesitate to ask for instructions again, so you fully understand everything outlined above. When in doubt call your physician’s office and seek clarification.

Another good resource, besides your doctor, is your pharmacist. If you go to the same pharmacy, they should have a list of all the medications you are taking and should be able to confirm or explain in further detail the doctor’s answers to many of the above inquiries.

MedicalSylvia Hubbard